Dr. Navarro has retired and now refers patients to his protégé Dr. Al-Misky. Click here for details.
212-888-8688 | 800-300-VEIN | 212-249-6117
910 Fifth Avenue (cross street: 72nd) New York, NY 10021
Pudendal Veins
The source of varicose veins in the legs is commonly found in a faulty main vein or local perforator. In some cases, veins coming from the abdomen, called pudendal veins, contribute to or are the sole source of the leg veins.
Pudendal veins are veins in the upper inner aspect of the thigh running from the genital-vulvar area and abdomen and down the leg. They typically appear after pregnancies due to the changes that occur in the pelvic veins from a pregnant uterus and an increase in female hormone levels. Occasionally, pudendal veins are due to obstruction of major veins in the pelvis.
Diagnosis of faulty pudendal veins is done easily in the office after taking a patient’s history, doing a physical examination, and performing an ultrasound. If pudendal veins are not identified correctly as the culprit and they are not properly addressed, they will likely recur even if they are treated.
Treatment of the pudendal veins produces satisfying results since these veins respond extremely well to sclerotherapy. Once the pudendal veins have been closed, varicose vein originating from them are also treated with sclerotherapy. If pudendal veins coexist with other source of reflux, such as failure of the main vein, they should be treated first before other procedures (such as EVLT) are performed to eliminate the main vein.

The Vein Treatment Center
910 Fifth Avenue
Ground Floor (cross street: 72nd)
New York, NY 10021
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